Thursday, February 27, 2020

Quakers' Contribution in Anti-Slavery Movement Research Paper

Quakers' Contribution in Anti-Slavery Movement - Research Paper Example All thirteen of the colonies permitted slavery and did not allow slaves the basic freedoms outlined in the Declaration of Independence. Slaves in America had no freedom and were subject to the whims and demands of their masters. The Louisiana code stated that "A slave could not make contracts, own property, or form legal partnerships on his or her own" (Oakes xiv). Family relationships among slaves were not honored and as a result, there were no requirements that slave owners keep families intact. In fact, many times, children were taken from mothers and sold as soon as they were strong enough to work themselves. Husbands and fathers were sold without regard to the feelings of wives or children. The people who were most against slavery were those who were involved in organized religion. Quakers believed in ending slavery one slaveholder at a time. They sent letters, wrote to newspapers, authored pamphlets and almanacs, using any form of publication they could to decry the institution of slavery and encourage slave owners to free their slaves. Quakers outlined a method through which slaveholders would "first educate slaves in reading and writing, teach them the principles of truth and righteousness, teach them a trade, and then set them free" (Brown 6). While it cannot be argued that the Quakers, or Society of Friends, played a crucial role in the anti-slavery movement, in all likelihood the movement would have gone on and would have been successful without their influence. There were many people in antebellum America who were willing to make great personal sacrifices to see that there was eventual freedom for all Americans. These people spanned the races, religions and cultures of the time and were dedicated to the idea of freedom for all. Body The Quakers brought up the inappropriateness of slavery in the 1600s, thus bringing the issue to the forefront of many political and social debates. They began work against slavery and did not stop their work until the e nd of slavery in America. One distinct advantage that the Quakers had in their anti-slavery work was that they had an already established network of people willing to assist runaway slaves and those who had already been freed. Friends could meet in large, public groups to make plans regarding their abolitionist activities without fear of raising suspicion because that is what they had been doing prior to their involvement in the Underground Railroad and other abolitionist activities. Additionally, the Quakers involved in anti-slavery activities knew that they could trust their fellow Friends with their lives, which is what was at stake when they assisted runaway slaves to freedom. Before slaves began to receive help from Quakers, or anyone else, in their resistance movement, they had devised many ways to confront slavery. They discovered that violence was rarely a very successful method of resistance, as the slaveholders responded immediately and intensely. Instead, they used more s ubtle methods of resistance such as "work slowdowns, feigning illness, breaking tools, and sabotaging equipment under the guise of clumsiness" (Horton and Horton 120). Slaves also used song to fight slavery. These songs told stories of escape, sent encoded messages, set the pace for work and placated slave owners by giving the appearance of passivity and contentment. Running away was another form of

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pop Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pop Culture - Essay Example She normally lights a spark in people that grows into a flame. That flame then reaches out and lights up another. It is pop starts like her who directly affect the hearts and mind of fans. In effect, those fans display their love by backing up the music, contributing to causes touted by that celebrity. Regularly, a fan understands more about what happening in the world since they heard it from their favorite pop star rather watching the evening news. They give and take relationship becomes consecrated to the fans, and precious to the pop start. Britney Spears is most understandable examples of mind control in the entertainment industry (â€Å"Britney Spears’ 30 Most Outrageous Outfits† 1). Since she exploded into the music industry in 1998, Britney Spears has turned to be a pro at turning heads on red carpets, in addition to concert platforms. Whether she was dressed up for an awards event, or dolled up for Starbucks run, what Britney was donning became nearly ass celebrated and assessed as the hits she sang. Whereas we wait to see what outstanding garments brings out the closest during the promotion of her subsequent album. Britney normally looks very pretty and stylish in her outstanding outfits. Britney Spears has courageous fashion decisions that leave most people delighted at the sight of her outfits. Britney Spears also takes his time to gesture at his fans, recognize them and reassure herself that in spite of the situations, she is still beloved and that fans have not neglected him. Her gesticulation is normally spontaneous and typical (â€Å"Britney Spears† 1-2) Pop queen Britney Spears is known to wear famous brands, such as Diesel, Louis Vuitton, Dolce&Gabbana, etc†¦ She does not like to be seen wearing, in what some people would think is, ‘’normal clothing’’. As a pop queen, her expectations are way high up in the sky. She has a huge ego, and her self-esteem is up.